Transition Drinks – social

    Last Wed of each month 7pm @Mile & a Third

    Open Days at the community allotment:

    Usually every 2nd and 4th  Saturday 11-3pm

    Repair Café 


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Eco Homes Tour and Talk

Transition Stroud energy group visit to a local solar installation

Transition Stroud energy group visit to a local solar installation

Home owners and renters wanted!

Do you have a solar panel installed? Are you heating your home with a woodstove? Have you put  up insulation at your home? Do you heat your water with a solar heater? What other measures have you taken to reduce your bills and your carbon footprint? From the smaller to the more daring improvements. Does your house demonstrate any of the ones mentioned below:

  • environmental renovation
  • renewable energy
  • reduced energy bills
  • water savings
  • waste water recycling
  • rainwater harvesting
  • green roofs
  • natural and recycled materials

Get in contact to share your experience about you’re first steps towards a more eco-friendly house.

We aim follow the good example of  http://www.ecoopenhouses.org/ to:

Water conservation

Water conservation

empower and inspire members of the public to make environmental changes to their own homes through seeing what practical steps other people have taken in their homes. It is about people learning from the
experience of others and making positive changes to reduce their environmental footprint

We plan to have a tour in Westcliff and beyond – Southend Borough wide if we have enough interest. The date would be established with the home owners – spring, summer?

Some home owners could tell their stories and show their improvements on a guided tour and others could help us by joining in an evening social or
discussion about home improvements.

You make the rules and we want you to feel safe and comfortable working with us, get in contact and share your ideas for that day.

You can support others in making important choices to their homes just by sharing your experience.

write to kamilpac@googlemail.com, call on 07707676308 or leave details here.

Similar tours have taken place around UK and were very successful so it is time for our locality to have one too:)







Map mind for the project.

Transition Westcliff Film Club


(download flyer in PDF format for display in your local shop or notice board (A5 size))

Transition Town Westcliff Press Release;

2008 was the year that the news was dominated by high oil prices, with the year ending with the worst global economic downtown for several generations. One very important story went largely unreported in 2008, which was the year of global peak oil. Transition Town Westcliff begun in 2008 and in 2009 we have many activities planned to help people think about community developments, such as growing food close to home. Despite or because of the economic downturn alternative business models are being considered and localisation can be a tonic to the current economic depression.

So if you are feelings hung-over from the gloom of 2008, come and enjoy some positive messages for 2009 at the TRANSITION TOWN WESTCLIFF FILM CLUB – Last Friday of the month, 19:30 till 21:30 at St Marks Church, Princes Street, with a friendly chat/discussion after the film and presentation of local groups and projects. Free entry (suggested donation £2). Tea, coffee and biscuits available.

Friday 30 January 2009- The End of Suburbia (78 min)

With brutal honesty and a touch of irony this document asks serious questions about the sustainability of suburban way of life when the cheap fossil fuels are running out, drip, drip…

Friday 27 February 2009 – The Power of Community (53 min)

This is an inspiring look at what hope, community, intelligence & hard work accomplished after Cubans ran out of oil.

Friday 27 March 2009 – Transition Towns (50 min)

Short films about the beginnings of Transition Towns and their viral spread around the world from the UK to NZ, USA, Japan, Europe… and chat afterwards about the year since Transition Town Westcliff started.

Friday 24 April 2009 – Money as Debt (47 min)

An excellent, entertaining and animated feature by graphic artist and videographer, Paul Grignon, explains today’s magically perverse debt money system

With thanks to the support of Milton Community Partnership

Submitted by Graham

Women’s Environmental Network – film screening, community allotment, plan for 2009

Transition Town Westcliff is supporting local groups and projects leading our locality to a greater resilience. Check here about the community allotment and have a read below.

Christmas is behind us, we’ve welcomed the New Year, and our sights are now set on our WEN programme for the coming year.

We’ve started our Growing Your Own Food project at the Manchester Drive allotments, Leigh on Sea, so the main part of our first meeting for 2009 will be taken up with the showing of a dvd  ‘The Allotment’ which demonstrates the benefits and fun of growing your own organic fruit and veg alongside other members of your local community.  Even if you only have a small veggie patch you will be sure to find lots of useful tips.

We’ll also have a short ideas session starting at 7.30 pm because ….

  • We need to get cracking with planning our Earth Day 2009
  • We hope to have a ‘make your own cosmetics & toiletries’ evening soon
  • Will we be marking ‘Real Nappy Week’ this year?

If you’d like to be involved in planning any of our 2009 WEN events or if you just want to come along to hear about the allotment, to see the dvd (starting soon after 8 pm) and meet up with our local WEN group you will be very welcome.

We meet this coming Thursday, January 15th, at 7. 30 at Fresh Horizons, Ditton Court Road, Westcliff (very close to Westcliff Station) – look forward to seeing you there!

For more info contact Eileen 01268 752264 or Carol 01702 342148

submitted by Kamil

SEEOG’s Organic Gardening Seminars

Originally uploaded by Transition Town Westcliff

A chance to develop your gardening skills and learn the arts of organic food production thanks to the efforts of South East Essex Organic Gardeners. Press release below;

We are delighted to announce that we have secured a grant to support a series of seminars on organic gardening around the Southend-on-Sea, Rochford, Castle Point and Basildon area in conjunction with Robert Wiseman, local horticultural lecturer, judge and exhibitor.

These seminars will start in early 2009 and continue on a regular basis both in the evenings and weekends until 2011. They are designed to encourage the “growing of your own food” both on an allotment, in your own garden and even on the patio using the principles of organic gardening. The project has been funded by Grassroots Grants from the Office of the Third Sector, which is managed by Essex Community Foundation.

The £5.00 fee is for each seminar, which will be approximately 3-31⁄2 hours, either an evening 7-10pm or Saturday 1-4:30.

For more information, please contact Carole Shorney caroleshorney@hotmail.com or Robert Wiseman
robert.wiseman@talk21.com, or telephone 07941 078135.

For more information about South East Essex Organic Gardeners including talks, trips and events, see www.seeog.org.uk

Submitted by Graham