Transition Drinks – social

    Last Wed of each month 7pm @Mile & a Third

    Open Days at the community allotment:

    Usually every 2nd and 4th  Saturday 11-3pm

    Repair Café 


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Report from May Fayre 2017

We had a brilliant day at the Trust Links organised Fayre. We set up in a lush location and could witness the bees at work.

The children enjoyed the home made play dough and making a DIY mandala from newspaper cut outs.

We used that time to chat about Southend in Transition with adults introducing the community allotment and Repair Cafe ideas and everyone was interested and shared our interest in building resilient and connected communities. We had a few signs up for the newsletter, donations, books bought and seed shared.

Walking around the grounds you could see how the Fayre has grown from year to year and got better and better. There were bands, how roast, May Pole and there was even an inflatable bouncy castle! New comers commented how they went past the site hundreds of times to be surprised at how many different things were hidden away behind the shrubs.

You can meet us again tomorrow at the www.sitcommunityallotment.wordpress.com between 10-14. We will enjoy some gardening but also read a few poems during lunch time.